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    Friday, 15 October 2004

    It's been a while

    I've been agonising over how, or even whether, to write this for a while...

    I've been quiet for a month, busy with other things and very much distracted with family stuff. My dad was taken ill 3 weeks ago and in tests at the hospital they found some bad news: a tumour. Signs are (so far) good that they will be able to operate to remove the tumour; we're still waiting on more test results to know whether or not it has spread. In the meantime, dad's been allowed home for better rest than he was getting in a hospital ward.

    It's been a stressful time, with more to come before it's over. I've had some great messages of support from people, and they're very much appreciated. This kind of news turns your life upside down; it helps to know you're not on your own coping with it.

    02:28 :: # :: /misc :: 1 comment


    Re: It's been a while
    Me wrote on Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:23



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