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    Friday, 28 September 2012


    We've been thinking about getting a dog for ages, but it's been difficult to work out the logistics when we've been travelling so much. Well, today's the day!

    Pepper, day one

    Pepper is a Parson Russell Terrier, and she's 3 years old. We just collected her from the lovely people at Wood Green Animals Shelter. Her previous owner passed away recently, so she was looking for a new home.

    We've just brought her home and things are going great - she's very well behaved (so far!) and is loving a new place with lots of fuss and cuddles.

    17:14 :: # :: /misc :: 4 comments


    Re: Pepper!
    Mark wrote on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 18:04

    Looks like Blue! (any Canadian would know what I'm talking about)'s_dog)


    Re: Pepper!
    istok wrote on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 21:09

    what a noble thing to do. no human should be without a dog and adopting from a shelter is the finest way to get them. i rescued mine very directly, from the street, but that's in a different country where there are very few shelters.

    Re: Pepper!
    Folkert van Heusden wrote on Sun, 30 Sep 2012 00:48

    So nice of you to adopt one! Good luck with her.

    Re: Pepper!
    kiaki wrote on Sun, 30 Sep 2012 22:54

    Steve, I love your shoes!!!! :P


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