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    Monday, 14 February 2011

    He's gone

    I mentioned last night that Dad was on his way out, and that we were all hoping it would end soon for him. Well, thankfully it did. He was clearly waiting for my stepmum to come back in to see him this morning; he left us at 11:35 today, at peace and in no pain.

    Thanks to everybody for your messages of support, they're very appreciated. It's hard to lose somebody close, and it helps to know that your friends are thinking of you.

    13:41 :: # :: /misc :: 2 comments


    Re: He's gone
    Andy Cater wrote on Mon, 14 Feb 2011 21:13

    He's your closest family - you're part of the Debian extended family I choose to belong to - your grief impinges on me, your sadness is affecting someone I know and value ... and so it goes. Maybe, some day, someone will write something for my daughter or whoever in similar vein. Take care.


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