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    Wednesday, 22 November 2006

    LinuxWorld Expo in London, 25-26 October 2006

    We had a good, successful show again this year. The show itself seems to be continuing the trend of fewer visitors each year, but we're still seeing a good number of visitors at the Debian stand. Not many wanted to buy DVDs this year, another continuing trend. As Noodles found ("Use Debian! It's great!"), a large number of those visitors were already Debian users. The common questions were predictable:

    • When's Etch due?
    • What do you think of Ubuntu?

    Phil, Neil and I also took the opportunity to wander round the hall to try and pick up some more sponsors for Debconf next year, and this was very useful.

    The stand

    Thanks to all the people that helped, either by turning up on the stand or by organising the .org area. After all these years, it's still fun to turn up and help people find out more about Debian. :-)

    21:31 :: # :: /debian/uk :: 0 comments


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