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    Tuesday, 19 April 2005

    Woody release 5 CDs and DVDs released

    It's taken a few days, but the latest set of woody CDs, DVDs and update CDs are now released and available for download as ISO images, jigdo files and Bittorrent. Building CDs and DVDs for woody is painful these days, and I'll be glad when we don't have to bother. The issues I've had to work around:

    • Several of the architectures in woody will not build jigdos directly using JTE, so we have to use jigdo directly. That's much slower.
    • Sparc Woody CDs use an old deprecated patch for mkisofs to make them bootable, so you have to use a woody mkisofs binary to build them.
    • Several of the architectures use utilities that are not 64-bit clean to make ISO images bootable, so they will fail on DVD images that are larger than 4GB.
    • Due to using a mixture of JTE where possible and jigdo otherwise, there's quite a lot of hand-tweaking needed to get a consistent set of jigdo files.

    Of course, there will probably be similar issues in making sarge rX CDs and DVDs as we get towards the etch release. Fingers crossed for a shorter etch release cycle... :-)

    14:19 :: # :: /debian/releases :: 0 comments


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