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    Wednesday, 14 March 2007

    Travels after Debconf - an alternative

    To whom it may concern...

    Daniel and Rob are holding a party in June to celebrate their Civil Partnership. Yay! And I'm invited. Double-yay! Unfortunately, it's the same weekend that Debconf 7 finishes. And it's in in deepest, darkest Wales, almost at the opposite end of the UK from Edinburgh. Less yay...!

    As Daniel is a DD, I'm guessing (and he has confirmed) that quite a few of the party guests will be at Debconf. That means there will be quite a number of people will be needing to get from one end of the country to the other on Saturday 23rd June. As I'm a mug for this kind of thing, I'm looking into organising travel for a group. If you're looking at making this trip, mail me if you're interested in travelling together. Options at the moment include hiring a minibus and driving the whole distance, or maybe flying from Edinburgh to somewhere much closer (Bristol or Cardiff) and sharing a vehicle from there. Let me know...

    02:43 :: # :: /debian/dc7 :: 1 comment


    Re: Travels after Debconf - an alternative
    sfr wrote on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:06

    Looking like I shan't be able to go to Debconf, but if not, I would be able to meet people at Bristol or Cardiff. Room for 3 passengers.


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