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    Tuesday, 17 October 2006

    BSP Marathon - Munich, 14 - 15 Oct 2006

    The weekend of the 14th-15th October saw my third BSP in as many weekends, this time in Munich. Andreas Barth was in charge of the organisation, and the LiMux development team were kind enough to host us for the weekend at their offices in the centre of the city.

    Andi, Zobel and I headed into the office early on Saturday morning, ready to start hitting RC bugs. Others joined us during the morning, and we got to a total of 10 people working on fixing bugs. Personally I looked through many of the bugs listed on Andreas' page. It was heartening to see that a very large number of the RC bugs were already well in hand, with patches available and in lots of cases uploads already made. I spent some time looking into #389287, #392398, #389375 and #262440. I also helped out several other developers with their own bug fixes, giving out accounts on my wide range of machines at home so that they could debug on different architectures.


    We worked late into the evening, ordering in pizza and then later cooking in the offices. I moved onto some more debian-cd hacking later on, making real progress and getting almost to the point of having my multi-arch CDs working. As always, there was a lot of discussion about the general issues in Debian, especially the 4 GRs that were due to finish that evening.

    On Sunday morning, things started slightly later as we took breakfast at the office. There was more discussion of the GRs, and the results were generally well received by the group. We continued looking into the RC list; I investigated #389434, but struggled to make much progress.

    At lunchtime, we quickly(!) headed into the city to see the famous Glockenspiel at the city hall, and went for a quick tour of the historic city centre so that us non-locals could see something of the city outside of the office. We returned and picked up on the bug-killing for a couple of hours. Then the LiMux guys showed us some of their work, and gave us a demo of the project. More on that later...

    Unfortunately, I had to head back for my flight comparatively early this weekend so I couldn't stay around for very long after the demo. Despite the last-minute attempt by an S-Bahn ticket machine to delay my trip to the airport, I got back without incident and even landed early at Stansted.

    The Germans I met this weekend were very serious about getting work done, and their efforts are much appreciated. With more people helping to reduce the RC bug counts, we should have no problem releasing Etch in December. Let's keep up the good work...! As always, my meagre attempts at photography are online now.

    01:35 :: # :: /debian/bsp :: 1 comment


    Re: BSP Marathon - Munich, 14 - 15 Oct 2006
    Florian wrote on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:37

    Hi Steve,

    glad you liked munich and the BSP in our office.

    Thanks for beeing here!

    I also wrote a small entry about the weekend in my blog.

    take care


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