It's been a while since I've posted about arm64 hardware. The last
machine I spent my own money on was
a SolidRun
Macchiatobin, about 7 years ago. It's a small (mini-ITX) board
with a 4-core arm64 SoC (4 * Cortex-A72) on it, along with things like
a DIMM socket for memory, lots of networking, 3 SATA disk interfaces.
The Macchiatobin was a nice machine compared to many earlier
systems, but it took quite a bit of effort to get it working to my
liking. I replaced the on-board U-Boot firmware binary with an EDK2
build, and that helped. After a few iterations we got a new build
including graphical output on a PCIe graphics card. Now it worked much
more like a "normal" x86 computer.
I still have that machine running at home, and it's been a
reasonably reliable little build machine for arm development and
testing. It's starting to show its age, though - the onboard USB ports
no longer work, and so it's no longer useful for doing things like
installation testing. :-/
I was involved in a conversation in the #debian-arm IRC channel a
few weeks ago, and diederik suggested
the Radxa Rock 5
ITX. It's another mini-ITX board, this time using a Rockchip
RK3588 CPU. Things have moved on - the CPU is now an 8-core big.LITTLE
config: 4*Cortex A76 and 4*Cortex A55. The board has NVMe on-board,
4*SATA, built-in Mali graphics from the CPU, soldered-on memory. Just
about everything you need on an SBC for a small low-power desktop, a
NAS or whatever. And for about half the price I paid for the
Macchiatobin. I hit "buy" on one of the listed websites. :-)
A few days ago, the new board landed. I picked the version with
24GB of RAM and bought the matching heatsink and fan. I set it up in
an existing case borrowed from another old machine and tried the Radxa
"Debian" build. All looked OK, but I clearly wasn't going to stay with
that. Onwards to running a native Debian setup!
I'm running a standard Debian arm64 system. The graphical installer
ran just fine. I installed onto the NVMe, adding an Xfce desktop for
some simple tests. Everything Just Worked. After many
years of fighting with a range of different arm machines (from simple
SBCs to desktops and servers), this was without doubt the most
straightforward setup I've ever done. Wow!
The two things that are missing compared to the Macchiatobin? This
is soldered-on memory (but hey, 24G is plenty for me!) It also doesn't
have a PCIe slot, but it has sufficient onboard network, video and
storage interfaces that I think it will cover most people's needs.
FTAOD, I should also point out: I bought this machine entirely with
my own money, for my own use for development and testing. I've had no
contact with the Radxa or Rockchip folks at all here, I'm
just so happy with this machine that I've felt the
need to shout about it! :-)
Here's some pictures...
This has taken a while in coming, for which I apologise. There's a
lot of work involved in rebuilding the whole Debian archive,
and many days spent analysing the results. You learn
quite a lot, too! :-)
I promised way back before DebConf 18 last August that I'd publish
the results of the rebuilds that I'd just started. Here they are,
after a few false starts. I've been rebuilding the archive
specifically to check if we would have any problems building
our 32-bit Arm ports (armel and armhf) using 64-bit arm64 hardware. I
might have found other issues too, but that was my goal.
for reference. See in particular
for automated analysis of the build logs that I've used as the basis
for the stats below.
As far as I can see we're basically fine to use arm64 hosts for
building armel and armhf, so long as those hosts
include hardware support for the 32-bit A32 instruction set. As
I've mentioned
before, that's not a given on all arm64 machines,
but there are sufficient machine types available that I think we
should be fine. There are a couple of things we need to do in terms of
setup - see Machine configuration
I (naively) just attempted to rebuild all the source packages in
unstable main, at first using pbuilder to control the build process
and then later using sbuild instead. I didn't think to check on the
stated architectures listed for the source packages, which was a
mistake - I would do it differently if redoing this test. That will
have contributed quite a large number of failures in the stats below,
but I believe I have accounted for them in my analysis.
I built lots of packages, using a range of machines in a small build
farm at home:
using my local mirror for improved performance when fetching
build-deps etc. I started off with a fixed list of packages that were
in unstable when I started each rebuild, for the sake of
simplicity. That's one reason why I have two different numbers of
source packages attempted for each arch below. If packages failed due
to no longer being available, I simply re-queued using the latest
version in unstable at that point.
I then developed a script to scan the logs of failed builds to pick
up on patterns that matched with obvious causes. Once that was done, I
worked through all the failures to (a) verify those patterns, and (b)
identify any other failures. I've classified many of the failures to
make sense of the results. I've also scanned the Debian BTS for
existing bugs matching my failed builds (and linked to them), or filed
new bugs where I could not find matches.
Almost half of the failed builds were simply due to the lack of a
single desired build dependency
1289). There were a smattering of other notable causes:
Considering the number of package builds here, I think these
numbers are basically "lost in the noise". I have found so few issues
that we should just go ahead. The vast majority of the failures I
found were either already known in the BTS (260), unrelated to what I
was looking for, or both.
The armhf rebuild showed broadly the same percentage of failures,
if you take into account the nodejs difference - it exists in the
armhf archive, so many hundreds more packages could build using
Again, these small numbers tell me that we're fine. I liked to 139
existing bugs in the BTS here.
Machine configuration
To be able to support 32-bit builds on arm64 hardware, there are a
few specific hardware support issues to consider.
Our 32-bit Arm kernels are configured to fix up userspace alignment
faults, which hides lazy programming at the cost of a (sometimes
massive) slowdown in performance when this fixup is triggered. The
arm64 kernel cannot be configured to do this - if a
userspace program triggers an alignment exception, it will simply be
handed a SIGBUS by the kernel. This was one of the main things I was
looking for in my rebuild, common to both armel and armhf. In the end,
I only found a very small number of problems.
Given that, I think we should immediately turn off
the alignment fixups on our existing 32-bit Arm buildd machines. Let's
flush out any more problems early, and I don't expect to see many.
To give credit here: Ubuntu
have been using arm64 machines for building 32-bit Arm packages for a
while now, and have already been filing bugs with patches which will
have helped reduce this problem. Thanks!
Deprecated / retired instructions
In theory(!), alignment is all we should need to worry about for
armhf builds, but our armel software baseline needs two additional
pieces of configuration to make things work, enabling emulation
(low-level locking primitive, deprecated since
barriers (low-level barrier primitives,
deprecated since ARMv7)
Again, there is quite a performance cost to enabling
emulation support for these instructions but it is at least
In my initial testing for rebuilding armhf only, I did not enable
either of these emulations. I was then finding lots
of "Illegal Instruction" crashes due to CP15 barrier usage in armhf
Haskell and Mono programs. This suggests that maybe(?) the baseline
architecture in these toolchains is incorrectly set to target ARMv6
rather than ARMv7. That should be fixed and all those packages rebuilt
at some point.
- Peter
Green pointed out that ghc in Debian armhf is definitely
configured for ARMv7, so maybe there is a deeper problem.
- Edmund
Grimley Evans suggests that the Haskell problem is coming from
how it drives LLVM, linking
to #864847 that he
filed in 2017.
Bug highlights
There are a few things I found that I'd like to highlight:
- In the glibc build, we found an arm64 kernel bug
(#904385) which has
since been fixed upstream thanks to Will Deacon at Arm. I've
backported the fix for the 4.9-stable kernel branch, so the fix will
be in our Stretch kernels soon.
- There's something really weird happening with Vim
(#917859). It FTBFS for
me with an odd test failure for both armel-on-arm64 and
armhf-on-arm64 using sbuild, but in a porter box
chroot or directly on my hardware using debuild it works just
fine. Confusing!
- I've filed quite a number of bugs over the last few weeks. Many
are generic new FTBFS reports for old packages that haven't been
rebuilt in a while, and some of them look un-maintained. However,
quite a few of my bugs are arch-specific ones in better-maintained
packages and several have already had responses from maintainers or
have already been fixed. Yay!
- Yesterday, I filed a slew of identical-looking reports for
packages using MPI and all failing tests. It seems that we have a
real problem hitting openmpi-based packages across the archive at
the moment (#918157 in
libpmix2). I'm going to verify that on my systems shortly.
Other things to think about
Building in VMs
So far in Debian, we've tended to run our build machines using
chroots on raw hardware. We have a few builders (x86, arm64)
configured as VMs on larger hosts, but as far as I can see that's the
exception so far. I know that OpenSUSE and Fedora are
both building using VMs, and for our Arm ports now we have more
powerful arm64 hosts available it's probably the way we should go
In testing using "linux32" chroots on native hardware, I was
explicitly looking to find problems in native architecture support. In
the case of alignment problems, they could be readily "fixed up /
hidden" (delete as appropriate!) by building using 32-bit guest
kernels with fixups enabled. If I'd found lots of
those, that would be a safer way to proceed than instantly filing lots
of release-critical FTBFS bugs. However, given the small number of
problems found I'm not convinced it's worth worrying about.
Utilisation of hardware
Another related issue is in how we choose to slice up build
machines. Many packages will build very well in parallel, and that's
great if you have something like the Synquacer with many small/slow
cores. However, not all our packages work so well and I found that
many are still resolutely chugging through long build/test processes
in single threads. I experimented a little with my config during the
rebuilds and what seemed to work best for throughput was kicking off
one build per 4 cores on the machines I was using. That seems to match
up with what
the Fedora
folks are doing (thanks to hrw for the link!).
Migrating build hardware
As I mentioned earlier, to build armel and armhf sanely on arm64
hardware, we need to be using arm64 machines that include native
support for the 32-bit A32 instruction set. While we have lots of
those around at the moment, some newer/bigger arm64 server platforms
that I've seen announced do not include
it. (See an
older mail from me for more details. We'll need to be careful
about this going forwards and keep using (at least) some machines with
A32. Maybe we'll migrate arm64-only builds onto newer/bigger A64-only
machines and keep the older machines for armel/armhf if that becomes a
At least for the foreseeable future, I'm not worried about losing
A32 support. Arm keeps on designing and licensing ARMv8 cores that
include it...
I've spent a lot of time looking at existing FTBFS bugs over the
last weeks, to compare results against what I've been seeing in my
build logs. Much kudos to people who have been finding and filing
those bugs ahead of me, in particular Adrian Bunk and Matthias Klose
who have filed many such bugs. Also thanks to Helmut
Grohne for his script to pull down a summary of FTBFS bugs from UDD -
that saved many hours of effort!
Please let me know if you think you've found a problem in what I've
done, or how I've analysed the results here. I still have my machines
set up for easy rebuilds, so reproducing things and testing fixes is
quite easy - just ask!
13:57 ::
# ::
/debian/arm ::
1 comment
Easier installation of Jessie on the Applied Micro X-Gene
As shipped, Debian Jessie (8.0) did not include kernel support for
the USB controller on APM X-Gene based machines like the Mustang. In
fact, at the time of writing this that support has not yet gone
upstream into the mainline Linux kernel either but patches have been
posted by Mark Langsdorf from Red Hat.
This means that installing Debian is more awkward than it could be
on these machines. They don't have optical drives fitted normally, so
the neat isohybrid CD images that we have made in Debian so far won't
work very well at all. Booting via UEFI from a USB stick will work,
but then the installer won't be able to read from the USB stick at all
and you're stuck. :-( The best way so far for installing Debian is to
do a network installation using tftp etc.
Well, until now... :-)
I've patched the Debian Jessie kernel, then re-built the installer
and a netinst image to use them. I've put a copy of that image up at
with more instructions on how to use it. I'm just submitting the patch
for inclusion into the Jessie stable kernel, hopefully ready to go
into the 8.1 point release.
12:18 ::
# ::
/debian/arm ::
1 comment
More arm64 hardware for Debian - Applied Micro X-Gene
As a follow-up to my post
about bootstrapping
arm64 in Debian, we've had more hardware given to Debian for us to
use in porting and building packages for
arm64. Applied Micro sent me
an X-Gene
development machine to set up and use. Unfortunately, the timing was
unlucky and the machine sat on my desk unopened for a few weeks while
I was on long holiday in Australia. Once I was back, I connected it up
and got it working. Out of the box, a standard Jessie arm64
installation worked using network boot (dhcp and tftp). I ran through
d-i as normal and installed a working system, then handed it over to
the DSA and buildd folks to get the machine integrated into our
systems. Easy! The machine is now up and running
as and has been building packages for a
few weeks now. You can see the stats
on the site.
In terms of installation, I also got the machine to boot using one
of our netinst images on a USB stick, but that path didn't get very
far. The USB drivers for this hardware have only quite recently gone
into the mainline kernel, and haven't been backported to the Debian
Jessie kernel yet. I'm hoping to get those included shortly. There's
also an option to replace the U-Boot firmware that came with the
X-Gene with UEFI instead, which would be much more helpful for a
server platform like this. I'll look into doing that upgrade soon too,
but probably after the Jessie release is done. I don't want to jinx
things just now. *grin*
Thanks to APM for their generous donation here, and particularly to
Richard Zenkert for his help in getting this machine shipped to
17:09 ::
# ::
/debian/arm ::
1 comment
Armhf buildds and status in Debian
Current status
Back in September,
I wrote
about the machines that I set up to help bootstrap the new armhf
port in Debian. Basing on Konstantinos' huge efforts in bringing up
the new "architecture" in debian-ports, we started importing armhf
into the main Debian archive on the 24th of November. Since then,
those builders have been churning away night and day to build the
huge collection of software that makes up the Debian archive. The
current state can be seen on
the armhf
buildd status page, and there's a nice graph showing how quickly
we've managed to run from 0 to over 90% of the archive here. (Click
on the image for a larger version, or visit
for other versions. We overtook hurd-i386 quickly and are now ahead
of the kfreebsd-* architectures.

We've recently brought 3 more similar build machines online
(hildegard, howells
and hummel), again sponsored by the nice folks
at Linaro but now hosted at
the York NeuroImaging Centre
at the University of York. This gives us both more build
horsepower to keep up with building more different bits of Debian
(experimental, updates etc.) and more redundancy in case of
We now have the vast majority of the archive built, and now a
number of us are concentrating on fixing the remaining issues:
language bootstraps and bugs. Also, on the 7th of January we were
just added into testing, the next step on our path for inclusion as
a Debian release architecture.
Setting up the machines
A lot of people have been asking me about the physical setup I
showed in my last blog about these machines, so here's more details
for those who are interested.
- 3U mini-rack
- Schroff model 24563-192
subrack (3U, 235mm deep), ordered
from Farnell
in the UK.
- Added some 24560-353 220mm guide rails
Lovely kit, which fits together easily for a rigid enclosure.
- Ideally with lots of old-style Molex power connectors. I
bought the cheapest one I could find from my supplier, and
dismantled it. I cannibalised another old PSU and soldered on
some extra Molex connectors.
- In theory, the 6 boards and disks I'm using here could use up
to 15W each on the 5V rail (but in practice much less); any
current PSU on the market should handle that easily.
- While I had the case open, I drilled holes and put some bolts
through so I could mount it to the mini-rack.
- Finally, connect together pins 15 and 16 on the ATX power
connector so that the PSU will come on without needing to be
connected to a PC motherboard
(details on
- Freescale iMX53 Quickstart boards
- These are the little 3-inch square dev boards I'm using. I
bought them
from Mouser
here, but there are quite a few other companies selling them
too. Apparently this exact part has just gone EOL, but there is
a replacement
that I would hope to work in its place.
- 2.5 inch SATA hard drives
- I just bought what looked reasonably priced from my local
supplier, 320 GB on the first machines and 250 GB on the next
three after the recent rise in disk prices.
- Cables and connectors
- 45cm right-angle SATA cable with one right-angled end
like this
- Molex to twin SATA-power cable
like this
- 2.1mm/5.0mm power plug
like here
(L48AY at Maplin)
The downside of the Quickstart board is that it doesn't include
a SATA power connector on the board, just a SATA data
connector. So, what I've done for my boards is modify Molex to
SATA power splitters. This way I get a single power input for the
board/drive combination as a whole.
- The Molex socket will connect to the Molex plug from the PSU
- The first SATA power connector goes to the laptop drive
- Cut off the second SATA connector
- Using the red and black (5V and ground) wires remaining,
solder on a power plug to drive the board itself
- Perspex board
- I found a supplier near Cambridge for some perspex. Each
machine has a base card measuring 220mm x 100mm, 2mm thick. I
drilled holes and mounted each board with a drive and its cables
shown here.
Mount the 6 boards into the mini-rack, connect up the Molex power
connectors to each board, attach ethernet cables and turn it all on!
Each board comes with a micro-SD card containing uboot and an Ubuntu
installation. I've configured uboot to boot off the hard drive
directly, but leaving configuration available to use the Ubuntu on
the micro-SD as a simple rescue system should the need arise.
The Quickstart boards are not ideal physically for
two reasons: the lack of SATA power, plus you need to push a power
button on each board to boot it - they don't boot automatically the
moment power is applied. However, they're quite inexpensive little
machines and have done a great job of building the Debian archive so
far! The ideal machines for us would also include more RAM at this
point. CPU on these is adequate, but the larger C++ packages (yay
webkit!) use a huge amount of memory at link
time. Linking in swap is not the best thing,
performance-wise... :-(
UPDATE 2012-01-12: Ian tells me that the newer Quickstart-R
boards apparently have a different power controller; these now boot
up straight away without needing you to push a button. That sounds
17:11 ::
# ::
/debian/arm ::
Armhf buildds and porter box hosted at ARM
I'm in the middle of setting up new build machines for the armhf
port (see the
wiki for more details). We'll shortly have six machines set up in
the machine room here at ARM in Cambridge:
- harris as a porter box
- hartmann, hasse, hebden and henze running buildd software
- hoiby as a hot spare

All of these machines are Freescale i.MX53 Quickstart (aka "loco")
development boards. They include a 1GHz i.MX53 CPU (based around the
ARM Cortex A8, one of the ARMv7-A family). They have 1GB of RAM and
native SATA. They're lovely little machines, measuring just 3 inches
square. To mount them usefully in a machine room, I've mounted each
board with a 320GB notebook hard drive and the necessary cabling onto
a small perspex card as you can see here. Then we can fit 6 such
machines and a normal PC-style ATX PSU into a 3U mini-rack. Well,
it almost fits - the power supply pokes out a little so we'll
need 4U of space when we come to mount it.

The Quickstart boards have been sponsored
by Linaro, and ditto my time
setting up these machines. Thanks!
As is common with new development boards, these machines are
not quite fully supported in Debian yet. The kernels we're
using are locally-built, using the sources supplied by Freescale. For
now, that means a heavily-patched "2.6.35" kernel but we're expecting
to be able to switch to mainline very soon. The .config I'm using
is kernel.config,
and I've built it natively on harris using
fakeroot make -j2 deb-pkg DEBFULLNAME="Steve McIntyre" KDEB_PKGVERSION=1buildd1
Similarly to the setup for
the armel
machines, for now I've tweaked things when installing the
- depmod:
- Need to make sure that depmod is run so the new kernel can
find and load modules at boot. Added trivial script
to do this.
- initramfs-tools:
- Needed to copy the
place from my amd64 machine; I'm guessing this would be there
automatically on a new-enough version of initramfs-tools on
the armel machines, but we're still using Lenny as a base
system for now even if I'm using a Squeeze-based kernel.
- flash-kernel:
- Add support for these boards
- #550584: kernel
postinst hook script
) to
create uImage and uInitrd files from the kernel zImage and the
Finally, I've tweaked the uboot config on the machines to use the
uImage and uInitrd files that are generated by flash-kernel:
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv loadaddr 0x70800000
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv initrdaddr 0x71000000
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv bootargs_sata set bootargs \$\{bootargs\} root=/dev/sda2 rw rootwait
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv load_sata_kernel ext2load sata 0:1 \$\{loadaddr\} /uImage
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv load_sata_initrd ext2load sata 0:1 \$\{initrdaddr\} /uInitrd
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv load_sata run load_sata_kernel load_sata_initrd
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv bootcmd_sata sata init\; run bootargs_base bootargs_sata load_sata\; bootm \$\{loadaddr\} \$\{initrdaddr\}
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv bootcmd run bootcmd_sata
And I've added extra config into uboot to use the pre-installed
Ubuntu system on the micro SD card as a fall-back:
MX53-LOCO U-Boot > setenv bootcmd_rescue sata init\; run bootargs_base bootargs_sata\; mmc read 0 \$\{loadaddr\} 0x800 0x1800\; bootm
17:15 ::
# ::
/debian/arm ::
Armel buildds and porter box hosted at ARM
One of the nice things that I've been involved with since starting
to work at ARM in Cambridge is setting up newer, faster machines to
help with the armel port. We have six machines hosted in the machine
room here now:
- abel is a porter box
- arnold, alain, alwyn and antheil are running buildd software
- arne is a hot spare (currently on my desk, but ready to go back in the rack any minute now)

All of these machines are Marvell DB-78x00-BP development boards,
each configured with a 1GHz Feroceon processor (ARM v5t), 1.5GB of RAM
and a 250GB drive attached via SATA. They're nice machines, reasonably
powerful yet (as with many ARM-based machines) they draw very very
little electrical power even when working hard. These very boards were
used for a while by the folks at Canonical to help build the Ubuntu
armel port, but now we've got them.
In terms of configuration, these machines are not quite
fully supported in Debian yet, though. The kernels we're using are
locally-built, based on the Debian linux-source-2.6.32 package but
with a .config
that's tweaked slightly to add the support for these boards. There
aren't any source changes needed, so I'm hoping to get support added
directly in Debian, either as a new kernel flavour or (preferred) as a
patch to an existing flavour. I've had conflicting advice about
whether the latter is possible, so I'm going to have to experiment and
find out for myself.
UPDATE 2010-09-28: I've tested, and it seems that the boards
will need a new flavour after all, as the config is incompatible with
the closest other config (kirkwood). Ah well...
I had no end of trouble trying to get make-kpkg do the right thing,
so on advice from Ben I built the kernel using "make deb-pkg", a
standard target in the Linux kernel's build system:
fakeroot make -j2 deb-pkg DEBFULLNAME="Steve McIntyre" KDEB_PKGVERSION=buildd23
Annoyingly, that wouldn't work when cross-compiling either so I
had to build the kernel natively.
To make the resulting kernel image package install properly (and,
just as importantly, allow for future easy upgrades for the DSA
folks), I also needed the following tweaks to the Debian system:
- depmod:
- Need to make sure that depmod is run so the new kernel can
find and load modules at boot. Added trivial script
to do this.
- initramfs-tools:
- Needed to copy the
place from my amd64 machine; I'm guessing this would be there
automatically on a new-enough version of initramfs-tools on
the armel machines, but we're still using Lenny as a base
system for now even if I'm using a Squeeze-based kernel.
- flash-kernel:
- #594878: support for
these boards. Hector did most of the work, and I've worked on it a
little more.
- #550584: kernel
postinst hook script
) to
create uImage and uInitrd files from the kernel zImage and the
Finally, I've tweaked the uboot config on the machines to use the
uImage and uInitrd files that are generated:
Marvell>> setenv IDE ide reset
Marvell>> setenv loadkernel ext2load ide 0:1 0x2000000 /uImage
Marvell>> setenv loadinitramfs ext2load ide 0:1 0x3000000 /uInitrd
Marvell>> setenv bootboth bootm 0x2000000 0x3000000
Marvell>> setenv bootcmd setenv bootargs \$\(bootargs\)\;$(IDE)\;$(loadkernel)\;$(loadinitramfs)\;$(bootboth)
Marvell>> saveenv
And that's it, as far as I can see.
I'll now wait for people to tell me what I've got wrong above... :-)
13:59 ::
# ::
/debian/arm ::