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    Friday, 14 November 2014

    Mini-Debconf in Cambridge, November 6-9 2014

    People in the sunshine!

    For the second year running, we held our mini-debconf in Cambridge last weekend. Roughly 70 people turned up this year to the ARM offices in Cambridge over the 4 days.

    Alongside our originally planned general sprint work on Thursday and Friday, the Release Team had their own sprint to work through remaining post-freeze decisions about policies, architectures, naming etc. The rest of us worked through a range of topics all over Debian: installer, admin, ARM arch support etc. We even managed to fix Andy's laptop :-).

    Saturday and Sunday were two days devoted to more traditional conference sessions. Our talks covered a wide range of topics: d-i progress and an update from the Release Team, backup software and an arm64 laptop project to name but a few.

    I was very happy that the Release Team announced Zurg"Stretch" and "Buster" as upcoming release names, and obviously it was lovely to have arm64 and ppc64el confirmed as release architectures for Jessie. It's a shame to see the kfreebsd ports dropped from the official Jessie list, but let's see if the porters can do an unofficial release anyway. I'll help if I can with things like CD builds...

    Several volunteers from the DebConf video team were on hand too, so our talks were recorded and are already online at Yay!

    Again, the mini-conf went well and feedback from attendees was universally positive. We may run again next year. More importantly, I can confirm that we're definitely planning on bidding to host a full DebConf in Cambridge in the summer of 2017.

    Thanks to all our helpers, and of course to our sponsors: ARM for providing the venue and infrastructure for the event, and Codethink for helping with food costs.

    00:25 :: # :: /debian/mini-debconf :: 1 comment


    Re: Mini-Debconf in Cambridge, November 6-9 2014
    Peter Green wrote on Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:18

    Did you ever get the amd arm64 server that you had on the bench at the miniconf working properly with Debian?


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