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    Friday, 11 September 2009

    Silly photos from Spain

    While driving through Spain around DebConf, I saw a few things that I thought I should share with the world...

    San Sebastian runs on dbus!
    let's all take the d-bus!

    ALSA on a coach:

    Wonderful fuel economy! We managed to fill up with diesel, then coast for about 15 miles down a very very very long downhill stretch into Bilbao. And just before we stopped at a toll booth at the bottom of the hill, the car's estimated MPG figure flipped to 99.9 and we got a blurry photo.
    we could drive home on that tank...

    01:20 :: # :: /debian/dc9 :: 1 comment


    Re: Silly photos from Spain
    Mauro wrote on Fri, 11 Sep 2009 12:15

    the first photo sounds like 'san sebastian runs on d-bus.. ORLY?' ;-)


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