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    Thursday, 14 August 2008

    Past halfway through Debconf already... :-(

    I've had an outstandingly good time, as expected. Much kudos to the local team here in Argentina for organising the conference so well, and it's great to see that the efforts of the video team are making it possible for lots of people to attend the talks virtually as well. Good work, folks!

    My highlights so far:

    • Getting all the right people together in one room for a really productive session discussing "tdebs", a new way of organising the translations in our packages. In less than an hour, we went from a mix of opinions and suggestions (all with problems) to a good consensus about what we're going to do and what work needs to be done. In Debian we work very effectively online normally, but this kind of design discussion could easily have taken a month or more via email. Sometimes face-to-face meetings just work better! (See the wiki for the session notes.)
    • The 15th Birthday Party last night. I got to formally accept our "epic fail" award from Luciano Bello after his recent trip to Las Vegas to tell the Defcon and Blackhat folks about our recent OpenSSL problems. Then I was coerced into dancing for the delight of the crowd. Apparently some git even caught that on video. Oh, the shame...
    • Beeeeeeeeef! I joined a group of people at the "Palacio del Bife" restaurant in the centre of town on Monday night, and we ate a lot of beef. I had a massive T-bone steak which was awesome - large and very very nicely cooked. I'll have to go again. *grin*

    Unfortunately, the end of the week is quickly approaching. I'll have to head back to England all too soon.

    15:52 :: # :: /debian/dc8 :: 0 comments


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