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    Saturday, 10 August 2019

    DebConf in Brazil again!

    Highvoltage and me

    I was lucky enough to meet up with my extended Debian family again this year. We went back to Brazil for the first time since 2004, this time in Curitiba. And this time I didn't lose anybody's clothes! :-)

    Rhonda modelling our diversity T!

    I had a very busy time, as usual - lots of sessions to take part in, and lots of conversations with people from all over. As part of the Community Team (ex-AH Team), I had a lot of things to catch up on too, and a sprint report to send. Despite all that, I even managed to do some technical things too!

    I ran sessions about UEFI Secure Boot, the Arm ports and the Community Team. I was meant to be running a session for the web team too, but the dreaded DebConf 'flu took me out for a day. It's traditional - bring hundreds of people together from all over the world, mix them up with too much alcohol and not enough sleep and many people get ill... :-( Once I'm back from vacation, I'll be doing my usual task of sending session summaries to the Debian mailing lists to describe what happened in my sessions.

    Maddog showed a group of us round the micro-brewery at Hop'n'Roll which was extra fun. I'm sure I wasn't the only experienced guy there, but it's always nice to listen to geeky people talking about their passion.

    Small group at Hop'n'Roll

    Of course, I could't get to all the sessions I wanted to - there's just too many things going on in DebConf week, and sessions clash at the best of times. So I have a load of videos on my laptop to watch while I'm away. Heartfelt thanks to our always-awesome video team for their efforts to make that possible. And I know that I had at least one follower at home watching the live streams too!

    Pepper watching the Arm BoF

    19:33 :: # :: /debian/dc19 :: 0 comments


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