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    Wednesday, 01 September 2004

    JTE 1.10 released

    I've streamlined the MD5 code further, and improved the mirror-check capability with a new -jigdo-force-md5 option.

    I hope that's it now; at least I don't expect to make any feature changes before sarge is released. Afterwards, I'm going to extend the jigdo .template format and add bzip2 support; that will need changes in jigdo as well, so it will wait a while.

    Usual place for download:

    NOTE: the JTE patch to mkisofs needs to be applied AFTER debian patches have been applied during the package build process, as that's easiest for people who want to use the rest of the Debian-applied patches too.

    21:56 :: # :: /debian/JTE :: 0 comments


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