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    Wednesday, 22 August 2012

    More progress on EFI Debian CDs

    Continuing on from my first EFI progress report...

    My first alpha release of a Wheezy netinst CD for amd64 EFI worked OK for me and a few others, with reasonable feedback. But it was far from complete, with (at least) three outstanding issues:

    • It didn't work as a hybrid (CD or USB) image, just working from CD for EFI
    • The initial grub display was really ugly, with no graphics
    • I hadn't been able to get grub-efi to work, so it only allowed use of elilo.

    In the days since then, I've carried on hacking on things. I've not yet sorted out hybrid boot, but I've fixed the other issues. To make graphics work on the grub boot menu was a simple case of loading the right module from grub.cfg ("insmod png"). Getting grub-efi to work took quite a lot more effort, though. I've been looking through Ubuntu's version of debian-installer code and merged a fair amount of their code into my local builds, adding tweaks as necessary. Result? I've got another CD alpha release ready for testing. Yay!

    Grab the image from if you'd like to help test it. Please do, and let me know via debian-boot/debian-cd how you get on.

    As previously, the "bits" subdirectory contains all the tweaked d-i packages I've played with, in both source and binary form. My debian-cd changes are still in my branch but are just about ready for merging I think. I'll post more d-i patches to the debian-boot list for review shortly.

    13:57 :: # :: /debian/CDs :: 0 comments


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