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    Monday, 04 June 2012

    Small children on long-haul flights...

    ...should be banned. On the flight back from Hong Kong to London, a collection of about half a dozen small children conspired to cry, shout, wail and shriek nigh-on constantly. For twelve hours. :-(

    I think it's incredibly selfish to take kids on planes when they're too young to understand what's going on, or to behave reliably. Children make noise, that's natural and expected. Forcing hundreds of other people around you to deal with that noise in an enclosed space for extended periods with no way to escape is just wrong, in my opinion.


    22:20 :: # :: /travel :: 21 comments


    Re: Small children on long-haul flights...
    krystan honour wrote on Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:35

    I'll jump in here, full disclosure, I know Steve but we haven't met really since 2003 :) I now live in another part of the country and have 2 small children, I have avoided long haul flights as long as possible because I beleive its not optimal for children of a certain age to be on those flights.

    When children are very young they sleep a lot of the time, great for being on those flights :) When they hit about 2.5 years old its time to make the decision are coloring books, cartoons and stories going to be enough to keep them occupied or are they going to want to run about. Well the answer is they're going to need all of that to stop being really annoying.

    The long and short of it is if you can what I'd call elective flying on long haul flights this is what i'd do but if you have family or whatever you need a long term plan for what the kids are going to do and how you are going to keep them from annoying all the others on board.

    Everyone on that plane has a right to fly including the children, but everyone also has a responsility to try and get on with their fellow humans. Just for the record though sometimes at some point I am sure every parent has had that "oh back in your box moment", just remember we are more practised at this :) An a plane is a confined space


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