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    Monday, 04 June 2012

    Small children on long-haul flights...

    ...should be banned. On the flight back from Hong Kong to London, a collection of about half a dozen small children conspired to cry, shout, wail and shriek nigh-on constantly. For twelve hours. :-(

    I think it's incredibly selfish to take kids on planes when they're too young to understand what's going on, or to behave reliably. Children make noise, that's natural and expected. Forcing hundreds of other people around you to deal with that noise in an enclosed space for extended periods with no way to escape is just wrong, in my opinion.


    22:20 :: # :: /travel :: 21 comments


    Re: Small children on long-haul flights...
    Lon wrote on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 14:04

    Remember the the main purpose of the reproductive system is to create children, and that the closest you get to a "meaning of life" is to have children to avoid the death of the human species. ;-)

    Be glad that someone are unselfish enough to carry the extra work of bringing up children. When they cry you should just sit back, relax, put on your headphones (as several mentioned before) and think "ah... glad those children are not my problem". I have one, and rest assured: Parents are usually not happy to make those flights either, but some times there are no alternatives. Think about how you, as a parent, would feel if it was your child on your lap screaming for hours.

    And by the way: Children almost never "behave reliably" ;-)


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