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    Monday, 04 June 2012

    Small children on long-haul flights...

    ...should be banned. On the flight back from Hong Kong to London, a collection of about half a dozen small children conspired to cry, shout, wail and shriek nigh-on constantly. For twelve hours. :-(

    I think it's incredibly selfish to take kids on planes when they're too young to understand what's going on, or to behave reliably. Children make noise, that's natural and expected. Forcing hundreds of other people around you to deal with that noise in an enclosed space for extended periods with no way to escape is just wrong, in my opinion.


    22:20 :: # :: /travel :: 21 comments


    Re: Small children on long-haul flights...
    Chris K wrote on Wed, 06 Jun 2012 22:15

    I understand where you're coming from and had a similar experience on a flight to Hawaii some years ago, where a nearby child in the lap of his mother screamed for a solid 8 hours. It was agony.

    My understanding of the problem is that children don't have the ability to relieve the pressure in their ears, so the plane flight is physically painful for them. There's no way to explain to the child how to "yawn to let your ears pop" when the child isn't able to speak yet. And there's no good alternative transportation for getting to Hawaii. And unfortunately the pressure inside the cabin of a high-flying aircraft varies.

    Having experienced this myself, I don't think "headphones" are the answer. (You'd need either sound canceling or sound reduction headphones for them to really help, which would require planning for this issue in advance.) Earplugs help /some/ but even with them the sound is amazingly annoying.

    After the flight was over, as a joke we came up with the idea of marketing a can of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) with a baby nipple on the front of the nozzle with the label "Scream Away". Probably wouldn't help if tried literally, but the thought was worth a laugh. Later we played with the idea a bit further and came up with the idea that pirates could use cans of "Scream Away" when marauding nearby ships. :-P


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