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    Tuesday, 17 August 2010

    Debian at seventeen

    Happy birthday Debian!

    Thanks to all my fellow Debian contributors for all your work on making the best OS there is. And especially thanks to the people who worked on the birthday surprise for us all yesterday - excellent work!

    During the couple of years I was DPL, I received messages of thanks on behalf of the project many many times, whether by email or in person. I was happy to accept and pass on a lot of those messages, as I know they mean a lot to people working hard in a volunteer project. Now due to, there'a an easier way for people to voice their gratitude directly to the individual people and teams that are working on Debian. Awesome! Although it'd also be nice if we could have the wiki back without balloons now we're after the 16th... *grin*

    Reminder: if you'd like to share in the birthday celebrations (and the beer!), there's still time to come along to the Debian BBQ I'm hosting at the end of the month in Cambridge, UK. See the OMGWTFBBQ wiki page for more details.

    11:28 :: # :: /debian/misc :: 1 comment


    Paul Wise wrote on Tue, 17 Aug 2010 13:16

    Fixed now that it isn't Monday in any timezone.

    For next time:

    $ ssh $ $EDITOR /srv/ <change the html_head param> $ touch /srv/


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