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    Friday, 06 August 2010

    DebConf in New York

    Nearly at the end of the week already - time flies! As always, it's been a great event. The orga folks have done a wonderful job, and New York is a cool place. Well, rather more of a hot place at the moment with the weather... :-)

    The highlight for me, as always, has been meeting up with people during the conference. Old friends like Lars, Joey, Marga, Bdale (and many more than I can mention here!). And finally getting to say hi to people whom I feel I know well from their blogs via Planet, and their Debian work that I benefit from every day. It was great to see John Goerzen at the baseball on Wednesday night and thank him in person for his offlineimap development. Even if I didn't recognise him directly, but via the photos of his two sons that he's been posting over the last few years *grin*

    19:42 :: # :: /debian/dc10 :: 1 comment


    Re: DebConf in New York
    John Goerzen wrote on Sat, 07 Aug 2010 21:09

    *grin* Thanks Steve. I sure enjoyed meeting you and so many others that I had only known online before. Debconf has been great and I sure hope to make it to more in the future.


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